Thursday, 14 July 2016

WEEK 13: Opinions and Advice

15 July 2016

Time for another edition of feelings of the week!


This week was quite unique, we had a viva and a reflection with our teacher.

Viva 3
 We were the first group to present to our lecturers Phil and Karen. I was hoping that this viva will be our turning point to break our streak on bad presentations. Sadly, I was wrong. My group-mates came late and we had to start the presentation without them, on top of that not all the work was with the people who came on time. You could clearly see annoyance on the teachers faces. Honestly I was a bit annoyed as well because I am not a tardy person and i wouldn't want my group to be view that way.

Finally when we were all here came the presentation went smoothly for awhile but because of the missing files our presentation flow was ruined and we were jumping back and forth between slides and animatics.

On the upside, we uplifted the teacher's mood with our live action. Even our classmates said it was hilarious because the special effects were so cheesy and obvious. You could see all the hooks and the strings.

Talk with Karen
The next day, Wednesday, Karen talked to each person individually on how they felt about their group-mates and about how we viewed our peers. I was pretty nervous before going in because I my english is terrible and i didn't want to say anything i didn't mean about someone.

The talked went well, she gave me advice on how to make our team dynamics better and how our group seems to be divided 2D and 3D. I also see this in my group. I was shock however that Roxann and Alvin doesn't know what Priyanka and I are doing. I thought I've updated them quite often. I guess it isn't often enough.

She also talked to me about readiness and we should rehearse before the week18 viva. Overall i found this talk really useful and there wasn't stressful and it allowed her to help us with our queries.

Self improvements and implementations:

From this i shall try to involve Roxann and Alvin more into the 3D process so that they can also monitor it themselves. I will be more open about my work as i think one of the main factors i am worried about is that they will judge my work though it isn't complete yet. As a person i think i shouldn't be so rigid and try to accept adapt to other people's way of doing work.  I WILL FOR ONE TRY TO FIX THE TARDINESS IN OUR GROUP. I find it super unprofessional and it will affect me in the future if i slowly pick up that behaviour.


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