Sunday, 31 July 2016

WEEK 15: Blending together

29 July 2016 

Wow it has been 15 weeks already. My priorities is no longer just CPD, I must do well in my other modules too. I don't know why i found this semester to be extremely difficult to cope.

My week was made when i experienced smething wonderful this week. I recieved a scholarship!! :)))) I did not expect that at all!Here is a quote that i read today i hope it will encourage everybody to persevere and not give up.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Our group is doing farely well. Currently we are all very serious when doing our work. Though some people are currently prioritising other modules right now. Hopefully they will lend a hand soon,
I kind of missed the first few weeks of our project where we were able to joke around during meetings.

Everything is blending together very well, I think our teamworks skills are improving a lot. I realise what Alvin said was true if you have a positive attitude, people around you will be affected by your happiness and the job will get done faster. Our distribution of work is also more fair, and because we update each other regularly on each others progress everything has been more clean and structures compared to before week 13.

I've stopped modelling for awhile to update our old environment sketches and colours. I also did part of the colour script. I had to apply my knowledge from my DCG classes about light, shadow and colours.We consulted Yitting about how to make our character stand out from the background and she adviced us, if our characters are cool,background is warm, vice versa. I've learnt a lot about colour harmonies and apply the knowledge i already have into this project.  I thought it was just splashing the colours that was in the character and environment colour guide sketches. No, there is a lot of planning involve, about how to set the mood.

Self-reflections and improvements:

Because of all the stress from all the modules, I realised I have been cranky this week. I took out my fustruations on my rigging class because it was the most foreign to me and I kept pestering my teacher to help me fix my problems. I stopped thinking on my own on how to solve the problems I was facing.

I will try to control my emotions better and to be more independent. I understand asking people for help is part of the learning process but I have been very reliant on others.
Here are the sketches i did this week :) Enjoy and remember to persevere.

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