Friday, 24 June 2016

WEEK 10 : holidays are over?! Was it even here?

24 June 2016

HOW DID IT TURN OUT LIKE THIS? I've spent most of my holidays having meetings and doing homework. I guess this is the life of a third year student, applying all your knowledge onto your final year project. Sigh pies...

Redoing animatics:
From what we previously discussed last week, Roxann, the Notural Superwoman, did a new animatic for us in just 2 days. I was really amazed with her skills and motivation to do it.

We sent the New story to Karen via email, and had Phil and Jim look at both our animatics. Again all views were different, which was expected. They were all very constructive and I'm glad we asked them instead of just going with it.

She agreed that the new story follows the storyline and moral of our story. However she finds it seemed more bland and predictable, she gave us suggestions on how to improve if we are using the old story.

Liked both versions and also says the new version depicts our story clearer. He gave us suggestions on how to improve our compositions and showed us old films to inspire us, because we didn't have a fixed ending. I learned a lot more about John Carpenter , The master of horror, his films are ingenious. I've found appreciation for old films, the stories are more creative and special effects are more memorable then today's computerise effects.

Prefers the old animatic, says it has more of a story compared to the new one. He proved to us that we were overthinking everything and brought a year 2 student to view our animatic. I nervously watched her watch our creation. She said it was not bad, which was a relieve. Thank god!

Our resolution:
It became clear to us that: Yes, we did overthink. So we decided to make slight adjustments to our old animatic which i think was a great idea as i didn't like the fact that our story changed so much. After that we went on to filming the live action version.

Group dynamics: 

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