11 Dec 2016
A lot of things happened this week , its quite amazing. Firstly work was unsurprising stale and everyone concentrated on the IS modules because a world issues report was due. I completed 2 backgrounds and are working on another 3.
Changes made:
The look of the characters changed, they look more like they are wearing masks, however they do look scaries and it didn't really appeal to me and another member so we tried to voice out our opinion however majority won and though it doesn't affect part of my work, i still find the change a hassle because all the shot animated so far has be edited and we don't have much time left.
Also we took out some scene that was unnecessary like ting ting reflection part and we added more exterior scenes to depict the society more and at the middle so that our film will have more of a flow.
The end credit scene though no teacher made noise about it, we took it out to save time. However i loved that scene because it shows because of stanley's act of courage it affected other humans to also speak out. Luckily i manage to convince my producer that if we have enough time, they could animate that part :))) most probably it wont be added, but i think if i work hard enough i can get through to them.
Funny incident
To end off the week, my group caused a blew up a power socket. It was pretty funny, she just wanted to charge her laptop and plugged in her charger and ztttss, a odour was produce and half of our workspace power plugs stopped working.
Im worried about my health so im going to exercise this week and do work so JYJY everyone.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
sem 2 week 11: Plausible Horrible week
4 Dec 2016
So far our project has been going well, I've lit a total of 15 background images. Until our Mid year Viva came along! Somehow our group seems to just have bad luck with Viva. We were the first to present for the day, As you remembered 2 of our group mates came late for a previous viva. This tie we made sure everyone met up an hour before the presentation. We called each other and everything.
Viva review
The first fault we made was to download the googleslides and not change the image sizes, so as we are presenting, the images were bigger and blocked our words. The audio wasn't working in the morning as well so it freaked our team out and we forgot to introduce ourselves before playing the animatic. Overall the teachers commented that our presentation was very sloppy.
On the art itself, the teachers praised us for the lighting and the colour sketches. However Jim one of our mentor slaughtered us as he question about the purpose of the magical reflection. His opinions and points were helpful though. Anita also found our animatic unclear and that our monsters doesn't look scary enough. Its not the first time we heard this comment before, we are going to discuss on how to change the look of the character.
This week i didn't do much work because changes are being made and it seems like most of the shots are unconfirmed. Oh wells, it would be a good break from being disappointed.
So far our project has been going well, I've lit a total of 15 background images. Until our Mid year Viva came along! Somehow our group seems to just have bad luck with Viva. We were the first to present for the day, As you remembered 2 of our group mates came late for a previous viva. This tie we made sure everyone met up an hour before the presentation. We called each other and everything.
Viva review
The first fault we made was to download the googleslides and not change the image sizes, so as we are presenting, the images were bigger and blocked our words. The audio wasn't working in the morning as well so it freaked our team out and we forgot to introduce ourselves before playing the animatic. Overall the teachers commented that our presentation was very sloppy.
On the art itself, the teachers praised us for the lighting and the colour sketches. However Jim one of our mentor slaughtered us as he question about the purpose of the magical reflection. His opinions and points were helpful though. Anita also found our animatic unclear and that our monsters doesn't look scary enough. Its not the first time we heard this comment before, we are going to discuss on how to change the look of the character.
This week i didn't do much work because changes are being made and it seems like most of the shots are unconfirmed. Oh wells, it would be a good break from being disappointed.
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Sem 2 Week 10: Diseases flying around
26 Nov 2016
By popular demand for my viewers (hi craig and martin if you're there), its time for CHARMAINE'S QUOTE OF THE WEEK!. *theme song plays*
By popular demand for my viewers (hi craig and martin if you're there), its time for CHARMAINE'S QUOTE OF THE WEEK!. *theme song plays*
To keep the body in good health is a duty...
otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
Almost everyone fell sick this week, I unexpectedly stayed healthy even though there was so many germy people surrounding me. Its really important to keep health, through last week i learned that once you fall sick, your will to do work drops and the quality becomes crappy. Even our teacher fell sick and it really affected us because we haven't see him for 2 weeks and there was so many things we wanted to consult him about.There was Red Camp last week, where secondary school students came to tour our school. It was really uncomfortable having so many students stare at you while you composite and it made all our teachers unavailable because they were the tour guides.
Thankfully the teachers went out of their way to squeeze out a few minutes for us to consult them. We had a 2 hour consultation with Philip on Thursday, and it was the most useful one so far because we haven't seen him in awhile. He helped me with my environment lighting and colours. What i mainly got out of it was i had to make the environment more desaturated and blur to bring focus to the characters. It aches my heart desaturating my work because i love to have colourful and vibrant drawing. However for the best of the team i shall follow his instructions. Here are some composites that i did which I most probably have to redo. An extra fact is that we just confirmed what type of brush we are using for monsters and humans.
Team Dynamics
I think our team is doing fine, though i do feel like we are behind time which makes me very anxious. We haven't had any arguments or upsets in awhile and everyone is getting very serious with their work. It shows we are getting use to each other however i do miss those times where there was a bit of drama. Not to jinx anything because i really do enjoy the peacefulness and i hope we get through this sem well!
See you next week
Sunday, 20 November 2016
sem 2 week 9: 1 more week till presentation
20 Nov 2016
Hello guys!! whoo hoo! This week was amazing, one of the best birthdays i ever had. So many people wished me and many more celebrating my birthday with me :). But now on to work
This week i played a lot with the after effects filters, and like usual because my friends want to change the composition of their shot, i have to change the composition of my lighting, which requires me to re-render EVERYTHINGG!!. This week I've learn we cant do any super hard camera movements because to get the 2D perspective of the toilet shots is way too difficult. So at first i'd finish compositing all the toilet scene but now, I have no toilet scenes complete because we are scrapping the work to find new compositions. Sigh pies... I know this is the greater good of the project but it breaks my heart to see my work get wasted.
This week i intend to finish 3 more lightings. I've actually finished compositing the lift lobby scenes as well but alvin gave me a advice on how to improve it so i guess i have to re-render it.
Audio Design workshop
Though in our course we aren't taught audio design, our teacher invited a guest, Mr Kazz Sato, I could clearly see his love from his work and through his showreel you could tell his specialty is horror sound effects. He didn't talk about the technical aspects of the sound effects but talk more about what is suitable for what situations. How the weirdest items can make the most natural sounds. He reference to a few films that i love, like kill bill for the dramatic sound effects when they hit each other and singing in the rain where there was juxtaposition, because though rain is associated with saddness the man singing, sing in the rain is very happy. Another good note is that when the characters are speaking you should dim the background sound so as to hear the characters.
He had very good advice, he also told us not to give up on our passion because he has seen alot of talented people giving up just to have a stable jobs and he finds it a waste. This talked actually gave me more encouragement to do my work better because i do love what i am currently doing right now, though i have doubts.
Here is what i did last week:
Hello guys!! whoo hoo! This week was amazing, one of the best birthdays i ever had. So many people wished me and many more celebrating my birthday with me :). But now on to work
This week i played a lot with the after effects filters, and like usual because my friends want to change the composition of their shot, i have to change the composition of my lighting, which requires me to re-render EVERYTHINGG!!. This week I've learn we cant do any super hard camera movements because to get the 2D perspective of the toilet shots is way too difficult. So at first i'd finish compositing all the toilet scene but now, I have no toilet scenes complete because we are scrapping the work to find new compositions. Sigh pies... I know this is the greater good of the project but it breaks my heart to see my work get wasted.
This week i intend to finish 3 more lightings. I've actually finished compositing the lift lobby scenes as well but alvin gave me a advice on how to improve it so i guess i have to re-render it.
Audio Design workshop
Though in our course we aren't taught audio design, our teacher invited a guest, Mr Kazz Sato, I could clearly see his love from his work and through his showreel you could tell his specialty is horror sound effects. He didn't talk about the technical aspects of the sound effects but talk more about what is suitable for what situations. How the weirdest items can make the most natural sounds. He reference to a few films that i love, like kill bill for the dramatic sound effects when they hit each other and singing in the rain where there was juxtaposition, because though rain is associated with saddness the man singing, sing in the rain is very happy. Another good note is that when the characters are speaking you should dim the background sound so as to hear the characters.
He had very good advice, he also told us not to give up on our passion because he has seen alot of talented people giving up just to have a stable jobs and he finds it a waste. This talked actually gave me more encouragement to do my work better because i do love what i am currently doing right now, though i have doubts.
Here is what i did last week:
Camera angles like these wont work
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Sem 2 WEEK 8: blending days
13 Nov 2016
Hello everyone, sorry i didn't post last week, i was really sick and totally forgot about it. Anyways just a short recap of last week, nothing much happened i started lighting a few shots. Stanley's house, the lift lobby and all the toilet scenes.
This week i did the same except i practice more of compositing in after effects. I looked through some youtube videos of professionals and how they composite their render layers. I realised that a lot of the lighting and effects are done in after effects! (well it is in the name but still...) and from our lighting class we only touched it for 4 hours. Luckily my mentor Borko showed me some filters I can use and gave us a very brief lighting masterclass. Everything was really fast, i wasn't sure if i even absorbed anything.
Anyways i am really stressed out about not being to finish on time , the 3 renders i worked on all of last week 2 of them need to be retouched. I do feel some of my work being wasted. My group members seem quite chill about the whole thing though, maybe i should be more like them or i should just keep doing my own thing.
Either way for this coming week i hope i will concentrate more on my FYP, i am embarrass to say that i have been concentrating on my other modules way too much and have been going out a lot on weekend. TIME TO SHUT MYSELF IN
Hello everyone, sorry i didn't post last week, i was really sick and totally forgot about it. Anyways just a short recap of last week, nothing much happened i started lighting a few shots. Stanley's house, the lift lobby and all the toilet scenes.
This week i did the same except i practice more of compositing in after effects. I looked through some youtube videos of professionals and how they composite their render layers. I realised that a lot of the lighting and effects are done in after effects! (well it is in the name but still...) and from our lighting class we only touched it for 4 hours. Luckily my mentor Borko showed me some filters I can use and gave us a very brief lighting masterclass. Everything was really fast, i wasn't sure if i even absorbed anything.
Anyways i am really stressed out about not being to finish on time , the 3 renders i worked on all of last week 2 of them need to be retouched. I do feel some of my work being wasted. My group members seem quite chill about the whole thing though, maybe i should be more like them or i should just keep doing my own thing.
Either way for this coming week i hope i will concentrate more on my FYP, i am embarrass to say that i have been concentrating on my other modules way too much and have been going out a lot on weekend. TIME TO SHUT MYSELF IN
Sunday, 30 October 2016
SEM 2 WEEK 6: Modelling can be Mind-boggling
30 Oct 2016
Modelling, Uv, painting Uvs (repeat)... That was basically thats basically how my week went,though my other non related course modules seem pretty tough because i am not use to writing or studying :( i should work on my weak area.
Here is a quote to keep everyones moods up:
Modelling, Uv, painting Uvs (repeat)... That was basically thats basically how my week went,though my other non related course modules seem pretty tough because i am not use to writing or studying :( i should work on my weak area.
Here is a quote to keep everyones moods up:
Learn from yesterday
Live for today
Hope for tomorrow
Meeting with the mentors
We met the mentors separately this week. First Borko: he taught us how to create shadows in aftereffects and how to soften the lines. He is ok with our environments look.
Philip: suggested ways how to make our camera movements more complex by adding tracking, panoramas and 180 camera turns
We understand he wants to challenge us to learn and grow. But we are on a really tight schedule and are far behind the other groups. We tried explaining our reasons for not being for the idea but it doesn't seem to be registering,
Work done
This week I felt very accomplished because i have finished all the environments except for the exterior street. I'm leaving that for next week. For a long time I've felt the work I have been doing is for not because it seems like whatever I've done has been thrown away. But after penning down everything, I realised I am making progress! By next week tomorrow I CAN START ON LIGHTING HALLELUJAH!
Group dynamics
Right now everyone is really looking for a leader. We have established as a group there are some suggestions we are going to ignore from our mentor, but everyone are asking the same question; "so are we really going to do this?" or " How we going to explain it to him?". All the answers are the same "I don't know.". I don't have the rights to critique on my own teachers comments because he has way more experience than I do and i think thats why we have all been so hesitant to rebel though we really want to.
Sunday, 23 October 2016
SEM 2 WEEK 5: Draggy and dull
23 Oct 2016
It has only been week 1 of the school semester and already my life seems so bleak. Working on the same project everyday from 9-6pm is killing me. The school came up with this new system of having weekly dailies with our supervisors. It was like a messier version of Vivas since we do not have to produce powerpoint slides. Currently, I am trying to find something to help me focus. My mind has been wondering all over the place on the internet. MUSN'T WATCH AVATAR THE LEGEND OF AANG!! (my favourite series which i have watched over trillions of times)
It has only been week 1 of the school semester and already my life seems so bleak. Working on the same project everyday from 9-6pm is killing me. The school came up with this new system of having weekly dailies with our supervisors. It was like a messier version of Vivas since we do not have to produce powerpoint slides. Currently, I am trying to find something to help me focus. My mind has been wondering all over the place on the internet. MUSN'T WATCH AVATAR THE LEGEND OF AANG!! (my favourite series which i have watched over trillions of times)
Weekly Dailies:
As you would expect it, our team took 2 hours in a 1 hour time allocation. We showed our teachers Our POC, environments, what we are currently working on (starting the animation) and our animatic.
They advice us to continue editting our animatic as we worked on the animation.I can officially state that the main office is finish. The exterior environment we are changing the design of the main office building to the pink one most right of the sketch.The teachers also commented that the other buildings next to the main one has to be more detailed. There's more comments about the toilet and the fire escape, those are minor adjustments.
We currently do not see eye to eye with our supervisor as he envisions for this scene to be "this way" however we find that the work will make the film nicer but its unnecessary and will create more problems in the animating stage. We also are exceeding our animatic timing again by 1min40sec. Making all these changes will just extend our time even more and maybe even change the meaning of the film if we stray too far?
Currently i am improving the exteriors and starting to light the shots.
Here are the sketches i did for the week:
Experimenting for background buildings
Thumbnails for the fire escape
Currently we are working well together in a slow pace. And we are all very frustrated because our film is becoming very foreign to us and we would like to have more control over it. We aren't sure if we should heed all of our supervisors advice or not. Anyways I'm praying for a good week ahead and for good rest. :)
Sunday, 16 October 2016
17 Oct 2016
Since its the last week of my break I decided to soak up all the freedom I have left. I went to a movie called the red turtle (it used tv paint and 3D proxies) and USS. This weeks work was minimal :( . I was just revising all my 3D lighting and doing some sketches to further improve the environment.
Borko didn't come this week to look at our POC and thank god because we haven't finish. Also that shot we are doing for our POC, turns out its just got taken off our storyboards... so its practically useless can dump it in the trash.
Right now I'm finding a bit hard to handle my work because as my group-mates are currently changing the storyboards and i have to model new things and UV them etc. However I noticed I've made a mistake with the toon outliner by making it all connected. So the objects cannot be moved. Now i am planning to get all the placements fixed so i can reconfirm the outlines of the objects.
Group dynamics
We are all casually doing our work slowly. Which is fine for now. Since next week is the start of school i hope this attitude won't continue, myself included. Currently we haven't gotten into any arguments and we all have common frustrations about our clients so thats keeping us together.
Lets go and conquer this semester! Jia you :)
Here are the sketches i did and a render:
Since its the last week of my break I decided to soak up all the freedom I have left. I went to a movie called the red turtle (it used tv paint and 3D proxies) and USS. This weeks work was minimal :( . I was just revising all my 3D lighting and doing some sketches to further improve the environment.
Borko didn't come this week to look at our POC and thank god because we haven't finish. Also that shot we are doing for our POC, turns out its just got taken off our storyboards... so its practically useless can dump it in the trash.
Right now I'm finding a bit hard to handle my work because as my group-mates are currently changing the storyboards and i have to model new things and UV them etc. However I noticed I've made a mistake with the toon outliner by making it all connected. So the objects cannot be moved. Now i am planning to get all the placements fixed so i can reconfirm the outlines of the objects.
Group dynamics
We are all casually doing our work slowly. Which is fine for now. Since next week is the start of school i hope this attitude won't continue, myself included. Currently we haven't gotten into any arguments and we all have common frustrations about our clients so thats keeping us together.
Lets go and conquer this semester! Jia you :)
Here are the sketches i did and a render:
Sunday, 9 October 2016
9 Oct 2015
I am very please with my this week progress, finally i have broken out of my slump and becoming more productive :). There is one more week of holidays till official school starts so far I'm watching as many movies as i can. I've watched Tropic Thunder, Kill Bill and Sausage party. So far Kill Bill is the best for me.
Completed work
Our group is still in the Pre-production stage of our short film and its a bit worrying because other groups has already started animating. Though we aimed to start animation this week. Our client wants us to further imrpove our animatic/storyboards. Its nerve-wrecking as i am now modelling new items for new compositions and as alvin works on the colour scheme he wants to make a changes to the environments. So the current environments i have now are yet to be finalised. I have modelled finish the furnishing for Stanley's house and the lift lobby.
This week Borko tasked us to complete a still POC with the 3D backgrounds, lighting and everything done. I'm really happy that he did that because now there is a goal for me to aim for. I know i sound like a workaholic but it gives me a sense of duty that i have to achieve something :).
Right now I am working on the lighting for the POC but its pretty hard to follow people's lighting sketch, I realise if i have to render the whole room, the scene is too heavy so i have to cut it up. I'm also re-watching all of Yitting's DCG videos, it is good to hear her voice again ahahah.
Here is the work that I did last week:
I am very please with my this week progress, finally i have broken out of my slump and becoming more productive :). There is one more week of holidays till official school starts so far I'm watching as many movies as i can. I've watched Tropic Thunder, Kill Bill and Sausage party. So far Kill Bill is the best for me.
Completed work
Our group is still in the Pre-production stage of our short film and its a bit worrying because other groups has already started animating. Though we aimed to start animation this week. Our client wants us to further imrpove our animatic/storyboards. Its nerve-wrecking as i am now modelling new items for new compositions and as alvin works on the colour scheme he wants to make a changes to the environments. So the current environments i have now are yet to be finalised. I have modelled finish the furnishing for Stanley's house and the lift lobby.
This week Borko tasked us to complete a still POC with the 3D backgrounds, lighting and everything done. I'm really happy that he did that because now there is a goal for me to aim for. I know i sound like a workaholic but it gives me a sense of duty that i have to achieve something :).
Right now I am working on the lighting for the POC but its pretty hard to follow people's lighting sketch, I realise if i have to render the whole room, the scene is too heavy so i have to cut it up. I'm also re-watching all of Yitting's DCG videos, it is good to hear her voice again ahahah.
Here is the work that I did last week:
Sunday, 2 October 2016
2 Week 2: Introducing client.
2 Oct 2016
It's already week 2! Though school has already started it doesn't feel much different other than having to go to school everyday, i don't really do any FYP work at home because there isn't much motivation for me to do so.
There are some updates from this week.
Having a client.
So this week we chose our group mentors, we are really lucky that they allow us to make our own decisions. We chose Philip ( a 2D animation specialist) and Borko (a 3D specialist). Since Philip was eager to help us with our project. This week he gave us alot of feedback about; our films colour scheme, the composition flow of our storyboard, the models of the 3D environment and the 2D character designs. Some of the comments i did felt like it was excessive, but he is our client and in the working world the clients words are gold. Philip has been really help, he printed out notes for us to read and lent me his Zootopia art book. Which is really expensive....
I admit the comments were overwhelming so i decided to sort out all my thoughts and decide what to do one step at the time...
Group Dynamics
Jamie is fitting perfectly into our group from my point of view. We haven't gotten to any squabbles and her opinions on animation is really helpful. She and Roxann also taught me how to use TV paint this week and i did 5secs of the animatic hur hur!
Here is the car model that i completed this week: I am currently working on the newspaper for our film "Monsters injured in the aftermath of a major human riot!"
I am praying that i would be motivated to do work for the weeks to come!
It's already week 2! Though school has already started it doesn't feel much different other than having to go to school everyday, i don't really do any FYP work at home because there isn't much motivation for me to do so.
There are some updates from this week.
Having a client.
So this week we chose our group mentors, we are really lucky that they allow us to make our own decisions. We chose Philip ( a 2D animation specialist) and Borko (a 3D specialist). Since Philip was eager to help us with our project. This week he gave us alot of feedback about; our films colour scheme, the composition flow of our storyboard, the models of the 3D environment and the 2D character designs. Some of the comments i did felt like it was excessive, but he is our client and in the working world the clients words are gold. Philip has been really help, he printed out notes for us to read and lent me his Zootopia art book. Which is really expensive....
I admit the comments were overwhelming so i decided to sort out all my thoughts and decide what to do one step at the time...
Group Dynamics
Jamie is fitting perfectly into our group from my point of view. We haven't gotten to any squabbles and her opinions on animation is really helpful. She and Roxann also taught me how to use TV paint this week and i did 5secs of the animatic hur hur!
Here is the car model that i completed this week: I am currently working on the newspaper for our film "Monsters injured in the aftermath of a major human riot!"
I am praying that i would be motivated to do work for the weeks to come!
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Semester 2 : Working again
25 sept 2016
Hey y'all! its been a long time since i have posted on this blog, but week 1 has just passed and im back from my vacation in Osaka.
The first week was pretty stale. We added a new member her name in Jamie, and she is really good at animating, hopefully we can all get along to create a beautiful film. Phil talked to us about our deliverables and about the regrouping and firing system amongst the groups.
Our group reviewed the week 18 animatic and we decided to improve on the camera angles and compositions of the film. Because of these changes i have to start modelling new things.
hopefully week 2 will be more chaotic so i have stuff to write about hahaha.
Hey y'all! its been a long time since i have posted on this blog, but week 1 has just passed and im back from my vacation in Osaka.
The first week was pretty stale. We added a new member her name in Jamie, and she is really good at animating, hopefully we can all get along to create a beautiful film. Phil talked to us about our deliverables and about the regrouping and firing system amongst the groups.
Our group reviewed the week 18 animatic and we decided to improve on the camera angles and compositions of the film. Because of these changes i have to start modelling new things.
hopefully week 2 will be more chaotic so i have stuff to write about hahaha.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
The results
8 sep 2016
So its the holidays and the past few weeks i have been enjoying and sketching a bit at my own pace. However i felt that most of my sketches isn't portfolio worthy... I haven't started any serious work, i think it may be because I'm scared and also lazy. Anyways the CPD results came out today and.... drum roll....
WE GOT GREENLITT!!! I hope that our group am able to hire 1 more member and once school starts I'll be posting my artworks again.
Here are some sketches i did over the holidays:
So its the holidays and the past few weeks i have been enjoying and sketching a bit at my own pace. However i felt that most of my sketches isn't portfolio worthy... I haven't started any serious work, i think it may be because I'm scared and also lazy. Anyways the CPD results came out today and.... drum roll....
WE GOT GREENLITT!!! I hope that our group am able to hire 1 more member and once school starts I'll be posting my artworks again.
Here are some sketches i did over the holidays:
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Week 16: Neglectance
4 August 2016
I keep repeating to myself 2 more weeks of school, 2 more weeks and i get to rest. Gosh I'm tired, this week I mainly concentrated on my other modules and organising my CPD stuff because I realise how unorganised I am with all my sketches.
While organising and touching up my sketches, I went through all the earlier versions of the environments and props. And to see the growth my designs went through makes me feel more confident that because we put in so much effort, we will get green lit. I really don't want my group to get disbanded i am very satisfied with the people i am working with right now and i don't want to be place in a new environment.
I am so worried about next week, there is about 4 assignments due and I still have a lot of CPD stuff like designing the characters. I don't want to waste my time so i decided to take the old Stanley design and alter them a bit so that i would not have a lot of drawing to do.
Self improvements and implementations:
I have to stay positive, even with the lack of sleep and stress i must persevere because it has only been the first part, I am unsure of how semester 2 is going to turn out. I have to rush my work assignments so that i have more time to work on my CPD i don't want to let my team down.
I keep repeating to myself 2 more weeks of school, 2 more weeks and i get to rest. Gosh I'm tired, this week I mainly concentrated on my other modules and organising my CPD stuff because I realise how unorganised I am with all my sketches.
While organising and touching up my sketches, I went through all the earlier versions of the environments and props. And to see the growth my designs went through makes me feel more confident that because we put in so much effort, we will get green lit. I really don't want my group to get disbanded i am very satisfied with the people i am working with right now and i don't want to be place in a new environment.
I am so worried about next week, there is about 4 assignments due and I still have a lot of CPD stuff like designing the characters. I don't want to waste my time so i decided to take the old Stanley design and alter them a bit so that i would not have a lot of drawing to do.
Self improvements and implementations:
I have to stay positive, even with the lack of sleep and stress i must persevere because it has only been the first part, I am unsure of how semester 2 is going to turn out. I have to rush my work assignments so that i have more time to work on my CPD i don't want to let my team down.
Here are some sketches:
Sunday, 31 July 2016
WEEK 15: Blending together
29 July 2016
Wow it has been 15 weeks already. My priorities is no longer just CPD, I must do well in my other modules too. I don't know why i found this semester to be extremely difficult to cope.
My week was made when i experienced smething wonderful this week. I recieved a scholarship!! :)))) I did not expect that at all!Here is a quote that i read today i hope it will encourage everybody to persevere and not give up.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Our group is doing farely well. Currently we are all very serious when doing our work. Though some people are currently prioritising other modules right now. Hopefully they will lend a hand soon,
I kind of missed the first few weeks of our project where we were able to joke around during meetings.
Everything is blending together very well, I think our teamworks skills are improving a lot. I realise what Alvin said was true if you have a positive attitude, people around you will be affected by your happiness and the job will get done faster. Our distribution of work is also more fair, and because we update each other regularly on each others progress everything has been more clean and structures compared to before week 13.
I've stopped modelling for awhile to update our old environment sketches and colours. I also did part of the colour script. I had to apply my knowledge from my DCG classes about light, shadow and colours.We consulted Yitting about how to make our character stand out from the background and she adviced us, if our characters are cool,background is warm, vice versa. I've learnt a lot about colour harmonies and apply the knowledge i already have into this project. I thought it was just splashing the colours that was in the character and environment colour guide sketches. No, there is a lot of planning involve, about how to set the mood.
Self-reflections and improvements:
Because of all the stress from all the modules, I realised I have been cranky this week. I took out my fustruations on my rigging class because it was the most foreign to me and I kept pestering my teacher to help me fix my problems. I stopped thinking on my own on how to solve the problems I was facing.
I will try to control my emotions better and to be more independent. I understand asking people for help is part of the learning process but I have been very reliant on others.
Here are the sketches i did this week :) Enjoy and remember to persevere.
Wow it has been 15 weeks already. My priorities is no longer just CPD, I must do well in my other modules too. I don't know why i found this semester to be extremely difficult to cope.
My week was made when i experienced smething wonderful this week. I recieved a scholarship!! :)))) I did not expect that at all!Here is a quote that i read today i hope it will encourage everybody to persevere and not give up.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Our group is doing farely well. Currently we are all very serious when doing our work. Though some people are currently prioritising other modules right now. Hopefully they will lend a hand soon,
I kind of missed the first few weeks of our project where we were able to joke around during meetings.
Everything is blending together very well, I think our teamworks skills are improving a lot. I realise what Alvin said was true if you have a positive attitude, people around you will be affected by your happiness and the job will get done faster. Our distribution of work is also more fair, and because we update each other regularly on each others progress everything has been more clean and structures compared to before week 13.
I've stopped modelling for awhile to update our old environment sketches and colours. I also did part of the colour script. I had to apply my knowledge from my DCG classes about light, shadow and colours.We consulted Yitting about how to make our character stand out from the background and she adviced us, if our characters are cool,background is warm, vice versa. I've learnt a lot about colour harmonies and apply the knowledge i already have into this project. I thought it was just splashing the colours that was in the character and environment colour guide sketches. No, there is a lot of planning involve, about how to set the mood.
Self-reflections and improvements:
Because of all the stress from all the modules, I realised I have been cranky this week. I took out my fustruations on my rigging class because it was the most foreign to me and I kept pestering my teacher to help me fix my problems. I stopped thinking on my own on how to solve the problems I was facing.
I will try to control my emotions better and to be more independent. I understand asking people for help is part of the learning process but I have been very reliant on others.
Here are the sketches i did this week :) Enjoy and remember to persevere.
Sunday, 24 July 2016
WEEK 14 : Anxiousness
21 July 2016
I feel very suffocated this week. The comments and the deliverables are too much for us to handle. I am really regretful that previous weeks I did not do much and also I am not sure what I am suppose to do for the following weeks. Am I even the right person for the task I am doing now? I just hope for us to not have unequal distribution of work.
This week have so many ups and downs. Everything was really pleasant until Wednesday, I even thought we were on schedule so I concentrated on my other homework for awhile. Little did I know, during Wednesday morning session, Roxann and Alvin showed Ms Karen a shot of our exterior and interior environment with the characters in it. She commented that there was no colour harmony at all in our work. At first i didn't get it but after analysing the frame I realised she was right. It was a very the saturation level of the environment was all wrong and the colour combination of everything was all jumbled up.
It's quite amazing, individually everything looks great and the teachers had no problem with everything on last weeks viva but this week, when we complied everything together, it looks like a hot mess. Ms Karen also briefed us on the deliverables of week 18 and the hand up list just gets longer and longer, i get into instant panic mode every time i think about it.
Group dynamics
We have been implementing what we learned from last week. We have improved our communication skills. This whole weekend we've been interacting on watsapp and skype. Updating each other constantly on our progress and asking for opinions. This is really great that we are applying what we know.
Self reflection:
My aim is to do my best these following weeks till week 18 so that I won't become a burden to my group. Also i will also try to find work to do to use my skills in areas where they can be best at.
Praying that future weeks will go much better for us.
Here is the sketch that I did
I feel very suffocated this week. The comments and the deliverables are too much for us to handle. I am really regretful that previous weeks I did not do much and also I am not sure what I am suppose to do for the following weeks. Am I even the right person for the task I am doing now? I just hope for us to not have unequal distribution of work.
This week have so many ups and downs. Everything was really pleasant until Wednesday, I even thought we were on schedule so I concentrated on my other homework for awhile. Little did I know, during Wednesday morning session, Roxann and Alvin showed Ms Karen a shot of our exterior and interior environment with the characters in it. She commented that there was no colour harmony at all in our work. At first i didn't get it but after analysing the frame I realised she was right. It was a very the saturation level of the environment was all wrong and the colour combination of everything was all jumbled up.
It's quite amazing, individually everything looks great and the teachers had no problem with everything on last weeks viva but this week, when we complied everything together, it looks like a hot mess. Ms Karen also briefed us on the deliverables of week 18 and the hand up list just gets longer and longer, i get into instant panic mode every time i think about it.
Group dynamics
We have been implementing what we learned from last week. We have improved our communication skills. This whole weekend we've been interacting on watsapp and skype. Updating each other constantly on our progress and asking for opinions. This is really great that we are applying what we know.
Self reflection:
My aim is to do my best these following weeks till week 18 so that I won't become a burden to my group. Also i will also try to find work to do to use my skills in areas where they can be best at.
Praying that future weeks will go much better for us.
Here is the sketch that I did
Thursday, 14 July 2016
WEEK 13: Opinions and Advice
15 July 2016
Time for another edition of feelings of the week!
Finally when we were all here came the presentation went smoothly for awhile but because of the missing files our presentation flow was ruined and we were jumping back and forth between slides and animatics.
On the upside, we uplifted the teacher's mood with our live action. Even our classmates said it was hilarious because the special effects were so cheesy and obvious. You could see all the hooks and the strings.
Talk with Karen
The next day, Wednesday, Karen talked to each person individually on how they felt about their group-mates and about how we viewed our peers. I was pretty nervous before going in because I my english is terrible and i didn't want to say anything i didn't mean about someone.
The talked went well, she gave me advice on how to make our team dynamics better and how our group seems to be divided 2D and 3D. I also see this in my group. I was shock however that Roxann and Alvin doesn't know what Priyanka and I are doing. I thought I've updated them quite often. I guess it isn't often enough.
She also talked to me about readiness and we should rehearse before the week18 viva. Overall i found this talk really useful and there wasn't stressful and it allowed her to help us with our queries.
Self improvements and implementations:
From this i shall try to involve Roxann and Alvin more into the 3D process so that they can also monitor it themselves. I will be more open about my work as i think one of the main factors i am worried about is that they will judge my work though it isn't complete yet. As a person i think i shouldn't be so rigid and try to accept adapt to other people's way of doing work. I WILL FOR ONE TRY TO FIX THE TARDINESS IN OUR GROUP. I find it super unprofessional and it will affect me in the future if i slowly pick up that behaviour.
Time for another edition of feelings of the week!
This week was quite unique, we had a viva and a reflection with our teacher.
Viva 3
We were the first group to present to our lecturers Phil and Karen. I was hoping that this viva will be our turning point to break our streak on bad presentations. Sadly, I was wrong. My group-mates came late and we had to start the presentation without them, on top of that not all the work was with the people who came on time. You could clearly see annoyance on the teachers faces. Honestly I was a bit annoyed as well because I am not a tardy person and i wouldn't want my group to be view that way.Finally when we were all here came the presentation went smoothly for awhile but because of the missing files our presentation flow was ruined and we were jumping back and forth between slides and animatics.
On the upside, we uplifted the teacher's mood with our live action. Even our classmates said it was hilarious because the special effects were so cheesy and obvious. You could see all the hooks and the strings.
Talk with Karen
The next day, Wednesday, Karen talked to each person individually on how they felt about their group-mates and about how we viewed our peers. I was pretty nervous before going in because I my english is terrible and i didn't want to say anything i didn't mean about someone.
The talked went well, she gave me advice on how to make our team dynamics better and how our group seems to be divided 2D and 3D. I also see this in my group. I was shock however that Roxann and Alvin doesn't know what Priyanka and I are doing. I thought I've updated them quite often. I guess it isn't often enough.
She also talked to me about readiness and we should rehearse before the week18 viva. Overall i found this talk really useful and there wasn't stressful and it allowed her to help us with our queries.
Self improvements and implementations:
From this i shall try to involve Roxann and Alvin more into the 3D process so that they can also monitor it themselves. I will be more open about my work as i think one of the main factors i am worried about is that they will judge my work though it isn't complete yet. As a person i think i shouldn't be so rigid and try to accept adapt to other people's way of doing work. I WILL FOR ONE TRY TO FIX THE TARDINESS IN OUR GROUP. I find it super unprofessional and it will affect me in the future if i slowly pick up that behaviour.
Sunday, 10 July 2016
WEEK 12: one more week to viva
8 July 2016
Year 3 is really fast i feel like I'm mentally running a marathon and now I am super exhausted. I can't believe it's already week 12. This week we had Hari Raya so our viva got pushed back one week. We are really lucky to be given more time to finish up the packages.
Re-filming Live action
We refilmed our live action as last week Karen told us some of our camera directions were wrong also our first take was incomplete because we were uncertain of what we wanted.
This time was more efficient and fun compared to previous filming. It was really hilarious how we are coming up with creative, low budget ways trying, to make everything work. There was this one scene where it was Stanley's (me) POV, washing his hands and looking up into the the mirror. However the angle was too difficult that i had to be the camera man and Roxann had to go behind me and wash her hand. The position was so awkward and we could clearly tell it wasn't my(Stanley's) hands because our skin tones are like night and day. That shot too really long and because we kept on laughing.
We showed Karen the viva and she told us it looks good and much more clearer. Our group really needed that assurance that we are on the right path :)
Modelling update
Priyanka and I are have started modelling the interior ourselves. We didn't see Borko this week so we couldn't ask for advice. I am doing the toilet and office interiors while she is doing home and lift.
I'm having slight trouble with the whole look of it, on one hand i want it to show its clearly 3D models, however on the other hand we must make the textures to looks 2D because we wouldn't want the characters to look out of place. This juggling act has be quite difficult to manage.
I don't feel the urgency of week 13 viva, I am really worried as i feel like I'm missing out something but i cant put my finger on it... :/
Here are 2 posters that i did :
Thoughts and feelings:
I'm going to do something different. I'm gonna analyse my work now compared to April me.
I know the modelling and planning process clearer now, compared to the first environment the 2nd one is modelled faster. Planning helps me be more efficient and organised. My film knowledge has widen, My friends and teachers recommended me a lot of film to watch and I have a wider perspective and a lot more ideas thanks to them.
What i should improve on:
Be more helpful towards others. Don't be so afraid towards critiques.
Year 3 is really fast i feel like I'm mentally running a marathon and now I am super exhausted. I can't believe it's already week 12. This week we had Hari Raya so our viva got pushed back one week. We are really lucky to be given more time to finish up the packages.
Re-filming Live action
We refilmed our live action as last week Karen told us some of our camera directions were wrong also our first take was incomplete because we were uncertain of what we wanted.
This time was more efficient and fun compared to previous filming. It was really hilarious how we are coming up with creative, low budget ways trying, to make everything work. There was this one scene where it was Stanley's (me) POV, washing his hands and looking up into the the mirror. However the angle was too difficult that i had to be the camera man and Roxann had to go behind me and wash her hand. The position was so awkward and we could clearly tell it wasn't my(Stanley's) hands because our skin tones are like night and day. That shot too really long and because we kept on laughing.
We showed Karen the viva and she told us it looks good and much more clearer. Our group really needed that assurance that we are on the right path :)
Modelling update
Priyanka and I are have started modelling the interior ourselves. We didn't see Borko this week so we couldn't ask for advice. I am doing the toilet and office interiors while she is doing home and lift.
I'm having slight trouble with the whole look of it, on one hand i want it to show its clearly 3D models, however on the other hand we must make the textures to looks 2D because we wouldn't want the characters to look out of place. This juggling act has be quite difficult to manage.
I don't feel the urgency of week 13 viva, I am really worried as i feel like I'm missing out something but i cant put my finger on it... :/
Here are 2 posters that i did :
Thoughts and feelings:
I'm going to do something different. I'm gonna analyse my work now compared to April me.
I know the modelling and planning process clearer now, compared to the first environment the 2nd one is modelled faster. Planning helps me be more efficient and organised. My film knowledge has widen, My friends and teachers recommended me a lot of film to watch and I have a wider perspective and a lot more ideas thanks to them.
What i should improve on:
Be more helpful towards others. Don't be so afraid towards critiques.
Sunday, 3 July 2016
2 JULY 2016
I GOT MY RESULTS BACK FOR DCG AND 3AP! It was average but not what I was aiming for, I guess I have to work harder for the assignment 2s.
This week wasn't that bad i have just finished my environment modelling assignment and I'm really please with the work I've done. Borko even praised me for my modelling. For this assignment Priyanka and i worked as a team to do the streets of our Short film.
Im really excited to show the work i have accomplished for this assignment:
You may be thinking: "you are doing a 2D/3D film, will this match your 2D characters?" Priyanka has found this program called ToonShader which makes 3D objects have a 2D feel to it. We haven't applied it on our building, but we have tested it out and it works! Not to fear.
Feeling of this project
I felt really bad for rushing Priyanka all the time, and I know she already has a lot on her plate since she has 2 more modules than me. Still I really like this module, so I want to produce the best quality that i can. I didn't mind the fact that I was doing extra work or unnecessary stuff. Another reason was, I fought for the rights to do 3D modelling during the first few weeks of CPS so I can't produce lousy quality. My ears would be full of "i told you so" , "full 2D is way better".
CPD Class
During CPD Karen talked to us about knowing what we want for our projects. We were feeling very down that we were still haven't confirmed our story. She comforted us saying that its better to be a group open to changes than a group that is restricted with our ideas. Which i think she is right, now we have a vast variety of pieces, all we have to do is piece them together and we get a beautiful picture.
"It's always the small pieces that makes the bigger picture."
Thoughts and feelings
I am really worried that we might not finish everything in time before next weeks viva, so this coming week i will focus all my energy to finish up all the base modelling for the environments.
I think I shall be more encouraging to my group mates. Right now everyone is slowly falling sick and getting gloomy. Lets be a positive energy to everyone around us! :)
bad video quality, so sorry.You can check my work out on my deviant account the link is on the left side of this blog. ( the Chinese house photo)
I GOT MY RESULTS BACK FOR DCG AND 3AP! It was average but not what I was aiming for, I guess I have to work harder for the assignment 2s.
This week wasn't that bad i have just finished my environment modelling assignment and I'm really please with the work I've done. Borko even praised me for my modelling. For this assignment Priyanka and i worked as a team to do the streets of our Short film.
Im really excited to show the work i have accomplished for this assignment:
layout followed
Layout of the streets.
Feeling of this project
I felt really bad for rushing Priyanka all the time, and I know she already has a lot on her plate since she has 2 more modules than me. Still I really like this module, so I want to produce the best quality that i can. I didn't mind the fact that I was doing extra work or unnecessary stuff. Another reason was, I fought for the rights to do 3D modelling during the first few weeks of CPS so I can't produce lousy quality. My ears would be full of "i told you so" , "full 2D is way better".
CPD Class
During CPD Karen talked to us about knowing what we want for our projects. We were feeling very down that we were still haven't confirmed our story. She comforted us saying that its better to be a group open to changes than a group that is restricted with our ideas. Which i think she is right, now we have a vast variety of pieces, all we have to do is piece them together and we get a beautiful picture.
"It's always the small pieces that makes the bigger picture."
Thoughts and feelings
I am really worried that we might not finish everything in time before next weeks viva, so this coming week i will focus all my energy to finish up all the base modelling for the environments.
I think I shall be more encouraging to my group mates. Right now everyone is slowly falling sick and getting gloomy. Lets be a positive energy to everyone around us! :)
bad video quality, so sorry.You can check my work out on my deviant account the link is on the left side of this blog. ( the Chinese house photo)
Friday, 24 June 2016
25 June 2016
Live action
Our live action film was completed in the span of 2 days, special thanks to Isabel's group and Celine for being our supporting monsters. I played as Stan, Roxann as Ting Ting, Alvin as Jun and Priyanka is all the side characters.
Unlike other teams we didn't borrow the video camera from upstairs and used our phones instead. Probably because none of us knows how to operate a video camera and to be honest, the last time I've seen a video camera was in 2005. It's really amazing how technology has evolved and the old gadgets are so foreign to me.
Filming was pretty fun, as we filmed, we change some compositions as well. I didn't expect it to be so draining and it was pretty cute that our whole team would unanimously stone when we were tired.
Overall, I have no regrets joining this team and I am blessed to have such good friends. :)
Environment Modelling
This module has been stressing me out this whole entire holiday, and it was very hard distributing work and scheduling so that we can hand up on time. This assignment i felt very alone and had to be very independent.We only had 1 lesson before the break to show Borko our research. He suggested ways to do the environment modelling and off we go on our own. It was hard to consult Borko and I can't complain because this is probably what the working world is like.
Thanks all for this week! Next in 2 days schools starting, hope I don't burn out by then.
WEEK 10 : holidays are over?! Was it even here?
24 June 2016
HOW DID IT TURN OUT LIKE THIS? I've spent most of my holidays having meetings and doing homework. I guess this is the life of a third year student, applying all your knowledge onto your final year project. Sigh pies...
Redoing animatics:
From what we previously discussed last week, Roxann, the Notural Superwoman, did a new animatic for us in just 2 days. I was really amazed with her skills and motivation to do it.
We sent the New story to Karen via email, and had Phil and Jim look at both our animatics. Again all views were different, which was expected. They were all very constructive and I'm glad we asked them instead of just going with it.
She agreed that the new story follows the storyline and moral of our story. However she finds it seemed more bland and predictable, she gave us suggestions on how to improve if we are using the old story.
Liked both versions and also says the new version depicts our story clearer. He gave us suggestions on how to improve our compositions and showed us old films to inspire us, because we didn't have a fixed ending. I learned a lot more about John Carpenter , The master of horror, his films are ingenious. I've found appreciation for old films, the stories are more creative and special effects are more memorable then today's computerise effects.
Prefers the old animatic, says it has more of a story compared to the new one. He proved to us that we were overthinking everything and brought a year 2 student to view our animatic. I nervously watched her watch our creation. She said it was not bad, which was a relieve. Thank god!
Our resolution:
It became clear to us that: Yes, we did overthink. So we decided to make slight adjustments to our old animatic which i think was a great idea as i didn't like the fact that our story changed so much. After that we went on to filming the live action version.
Group dynamics:
HOW DID IT TURN OUT LIKE THIS? I've spent most of my holidays having meetings and doing homework. I guess this is the life of a third year student, applying all your knowledge onto your final year project. Sigh pies...
Redoing animatics:
From what we previously discussed last week, Roxann, the Notural Superwoman, did a new animatic for us in just 2 days. I was really amazed with her skills and motivation to do it.
We sent the New story to Karen via email, and had Phil and Jim look at both our animatics. Again all views were different, which was expected. They were all very constructive and I'm glad we asked them instead of just going with it.
She agreed that the new story follows the storyline and moral of our story. However she finds it seemed more bland and predictable, she gave us suggestions on how to improve if we are using the old story.
Liked both versions and also says the new version depicts our story clearer. He gave us suggestions on how to improve our compositions and showed us old films to inspire us, because we didn't have a fixed ending. I learned a lot more about John Carpenter , The master of horror, his films are ingenious. I've found appreciation for old films, the stories are more creative and special effects are more memorable then today's computerise effects.
Prefers the old animatic, says it has more of a story compared to the new one. He proved to us that we were overthinking everything and brought a year 2 student to view our animatic. I nervously watched her watch our creation. She said it was not bad, which was a relieve. Thank god!
Our resolution:
It became clear to us that: Yes, we did overthink. So we decided to make slight adjustments to our old animatic which i think was a great idea as i didn't like the fact that our story changed so much. After that we went on to filming the live action version.
Group dynamics:
Sunday, 19 June 2016
WEEK 9 : The holidays
20 June 2016
The 2 precious week of break is used to catch up on all the CPD work and to finish up my assignments for 3AP, 3EM and 3CR. Wonder why all the modules with a 3 in it is ruining my holidays. :(
I went overseas from Monday - Thursday, but i didn't feel relaxed at all, work was always on my mind, anticipating the huge workload waiting for me at home. I started modelling the environment as well as rendering of the sketches during my trip in Malaysia.
Here are the work that i did:
Group Meetings:
On Friday, our group met up to discuss about the live action filming that we are suppose to complete over the holidays. But instead we talked about our animatic and story. We had people outside our group to comment on our animatics and most of them were very lost as we seems to have 3 agendas in this film; Love story, discrimination, Self acceptance. It was very confusing.
I showed my group mates the video that i found of Zootopia as i found it very inspirational. The initial story is a complete 360 from the story that they have now. From this our group decided to alter our story a little bit. Its a risky move but i think we might be able to do it.
Group Dynamics
On Saturday we had another meeting, we had a few disagreements, mainly because we didn't want to sway too far giving us too much work. i predict the second week of holidays will be more work intensive. FIGHTING!
Saturday, 11 June 2016
WEEK 8: Exams, to perservere
10 June 2016
A summary of what happen this week, we had common test for DCG and 3AP , while completing the other modules assignment 1. I prioritise my exams more than my CPD work. It was make it or break it.
i found the exams to be quite a challenge as in the course we hardly did examinations and i was afraid because of the lack of experience. The 2 papers were very different, the DCG paper was more theory based while 3AP was more application.
For DCG i studied for it so it wasn't that hard , though there were some tricky questions. Whereas 3AP, if you have a rough knowledge of the syllables and a lot of common sense you can ace it, sadly i didn't have that. I didn't even notice there was an error in that paper until my classmates told me about it after the exam, so my answer may be irrelevant.
Other subjects:
During our modelling class, we are beginning to model our FYP environments and we must complete it by the end of our holidays. I really had to wreck my brain and go through all my old notes, we really went back to basics.
In CPD class, I've edited all the environments line art as we had to make all the environments more monster incooperated. I had lots of fun creating posters for our film, i left get to sneakily add stuff into our film; "make monster great again". We showed Karen our 2nd animatic before we move on to our live action filming and she said it was ok and we should suggested that we change several parts but overall the comments were helpful and good.
Here are some sketches that I did:
A summary of what happen this week, we had common test for DCG and 3AP , while completing the other modules assignment 1. I prioritise my exams more than my CPD work. It was make it or break it.
i found the exams to be quite a challenge as in the course we hardly did examinations and i was afraid because of the lack of experience. The 2 papers were very different, the DCG paper was more theory based while 3AP was more application.
For DCG i studied for it so it wasn't that hard , though there were some tricky questions. Whereas 3AP, if you have a rough knowledge of the syllables and a lot of common sense you can ace it, sadly i didn't have that. I didn't even notice there was an error in that paper until my classmates told me about it after the exam, so my answer may be irrelevant.
Other subjects:
During our modelling class, we are beginning to model our FYP environments and we must complete it by the end of our holidays. I really had to wreck my brain and go through all my old notes, we really went back to basics.
In CPD class, I've edited all the environments line art as we had to make all the environments more monster incooperated. I had lots of fun creating posters for our film, i left get to sneakily add stuff into our film; "make monster great again". We showed Karen our 2nd animatic before we move on to our live action filming and she said it was ok and we should suggested that we change several parts but overall the comments were helpful and good.
Here are some sketches that I did:
![]() |
Research for new building design inspiration |
Friday, 3 June 2016
WEEK 7 : Calm waters , Redemptions
3 June 2016
Feeling of the week :
credit Priyanka for this funny idea
This week compared to previous weeks was more calming compared to previous weeks. We probably have gotten use to CPD. From the previous week we discussed on Karen's comments and decide to edit our storyboard, the edit were quite major as we will be adding scenes and changing a few things.
She also commented on the environment so we decided to change those as well.
Teachers comments:
Phil and Jim
On Tuesday, Jim and Phil met our group and commented on our animatic and concept designs.
He thought our animatic was really clear and suggested that we research more on racism and black history to enhance our establishing shot of our monster world.
Jim commented on how the environment didn't look like its inhabited by monsters and suggested we look at how Zootopia designed their environment.
On Wednesday, She gave us roughly the same comments, she questioned the world they lived in and said that the characters should have more features so that the environment would have more elements to play with.
Action taken this week:
Phil showed us a video on how the black were treated in the past, it was really inhumane. From there we finalised the world that they lived in. I also think that our group dynamics have improved as we no longer work separately. We don't only do the work assigned to but we help each other out. I am weak at choosing appropriate colours for the environment so alvin did some rough sketches with colours for me to follow. That was sweet of him. Karen told the whole class that we must hand in an animatic next week, though it's Roxann's job we decided to spilt the load because it's too much for her to handle.
Team Dynamic:
I'm really happy that we are getting use to each other and are being more helpful and honest. Let's keep up the good work!
Thursday, 2 June 2016
week 7 : What to do with your film after making it
2 June 2016
On Thursday, we had a talk by Tan Fong Cheng , She's Zhao Wei Films film producer, on film marketing and after production activities. I was very interested in this as I take business diploma plus to learn about these stuff.
She told us the cold hard truth that short films rarely gets turned into films. Advising us to not invest too much money and the purpose of a short film is to enhance my portfolio. There are exceptions of course (district 9 etc).
She suggest that we enter as many short film competitions as possible. There we can gain recognition and mingle with film directors to promote ourselves and the film. She also reminded us about pitching skills that its really important to seem confident as they won't buy if you are uncertain about your project.
She also talked about Singapore's market and told us to dream big.
Aim for your film to be viewed as far as Europe.
This talk is basically about business and how invested you want to be in your project after creating the film. The talk was very informative and also quite helpful. At first I didn't know of ways to promote our films and how films are sold to theatres.
However during the Q and A I was unsure of what to ask as I'm not very well versed in the business and marketing sector and when she talked about distributors and all those technical terms i was quite lost. I would like to take up classes in Arts business management as it could also be a future career prospect.
Thursday, 26 May 2016
WEEK 6: Nights changes
26 may 2016
The Rushing of work was utter mayhem, I am so proud that we pulled through. I am really grateful for my team, everyone really put in their best efforts into our presentation and though there was some glitches and errors I shan't dwell because those things are bound to happen.
Our ultimate forms
This week everyone pace of drawing really increase compared to other weeks, I found Priyanka really amazing she pulled so many all nighters this week that I'm truly amazed, Roxann was like a nocturnal animal which drew much faster at night and photosynthesises in the day. Alvin was just being alvin.. he didn't change much , his lines was nice though. I would like to learn from him and one day be better.
I never knew I do my illustrator work so quickly!! and I'm starting to see everything in tones.( 0.0) The only time i was truly upset was when our art director wanted to fix all our work. It didn't set well with me because it wouldn't feel like my work anymore though the work would look nicer. Luckily there wasn't enough time and the work displayed was 100% me. YAY.
Glitches during the presentation:
It was blatantly our mistake, we only did our animatic the morning of our presentation and a lot of errors was shown during the presentation. My teammates commented on how bad our animatic looked during our presentation. I didn't think we should tear down our own work and there were better was to approach this because we were selling an idea and it made us look unconfident in our product.
Teachers comments:
From her face we could tell, she wasn't please with our glitchy presentation and the time we took (45mins).
For the work i did she said i need to relook at the style guides i used and find a more appropriate one for the streets because right now compared to the other environment it looks very out of place. She also told me to change the trees as it look out of place on the streets
Here are some sketches i did:
The Rushing of work was utter mayhem, I am so proud that we pulled through. I am really grateful for my team, everyone really put in their best efforts into our presentation and though there was some glitches and errors I shan't dwell because those things are bound to happen.
Our ultimate forms
This week everyone pace of drawing really increase compared to other weeks, I found Priyanka really amazing she pulled so many all nighters this week that I'm truly amazed, Roxann was like a nocturnal animal which drew much faster at night and photosynthesises in the day. Alvin was just being alvin.. he didn't change much , his lines was nice though. I would like to learn from him and one day be better.
I never knew I do my illustrator work so quickly!! and I'm starting to see everything in tones.( 0.0) The only time i was truly upset was when our art director wanted to fix all our work. It didn't set well with me because it wouldn't feel like my work anymore though the work would look nicer. Luckily there wasn't enough time and the work displayed was 100% me. YAY.
Glitches during the presentation:
It was blatantly our mistake, we only did our animatic the morning of our presentation and a lot of errors was shown during the presentation. My teammates commented on how bad our animatic looked during our presentation. I didn't think we should tear down our own work and there were better was to approach this because we were selling an idea and it made us look unconfident in our product.
Teachers comments:
From her face we could tell, she wasn't please with our glitchy presentation and the time we took (45mins).
For the work i did she said i need to relook at the style guides i used and find a more appropriate one for the streets because right now compared to the other environment it looks very out of place. She also told me to change the trees as it look out of place on the streets
Here are some sketches i did:
![]() |
the streets |
Our pitching skills must be improved. We should also have a meeting to discuss all our thoughts and find way to improve our work. Planning our time is very important, our animatic will be better mark my words!
Sunday, 22 May 2016
WEEK 5: Whitespace, white flag
21 May 2016
This week was "whitespace week", it was a busy week trying to juggle outings and catching up on my CPD work. I feel that it taught us how as working adults to manage our own time.
Laselle talk and FREEBIES
On Monday, lecturers from Laselle came to promote their school animation faculty. The talk was neat! I got a free shirt, pent and alot of booklets. :) They showed us a showreel of their student's work, gave us a bit of insight about this industry and what is their curriculum like. Laselle is one of my top few further studies option, and the price for studying there is less expensive and we can get a degree faster compared to ADM or Digipen because we will skip 2 years of studying. I am skeptical about skipping levels, I don't mind wasting time because my animation foundation is not fantastic. Nonetheless I am considering Laselle and planning to go to their school's showcase to ask the students in animation what is their experience in Laselle. It was very beneficial to plan for my future education!
Tuesday was Infinite studios day!!
I was so excited to go infinite studios as one of the many local dramas that I watch is filmed at the studio, Tanglin! I have never been to a local set before so when I got to the set area I played and was amazed by their set design.
The CEO Freddy Yeo talked to us about the industry, it was such an honour so meet the person who founded this company. He showed us the studios showreel and a video of how their quality of film improved since they establish the company till present. There was a Question and Answer segment of the talk where he told us the importance of pipeline scheduling and planning and there is no standardise schedule as it differs from a big film to small ones.
The tips which he gave us was very helpful. He reminded about the importance of our portfolio and communication between clients is very importance. He recommended to not stay in a comfort place too long and you should gain different experience at different work. When starting out in the animation industry it would be good to be a generalist as people can use you for many jobs.
Here are some sketches that I did this week (not all):
my sketches
Team Dynamics
As the week 6 viva draws closer, the pressure and anxiety increases. Our team is getting restless and easily irritated with each other. I am not an exception, I feel very bad for nagging at my group and always repeating myself unconsciously.
I would like for our group communication to be improve, we are concentrated on our own work that we don't pay enough attention to each others drawings. On the plus side i think we should keep up encouraging each other. It is quite refreshing to hear praises.
I think that my lack of sleep has played a part for my bad behaviour (6 hours of sleep). I shall sleep more and also be more positive and less annoying.(sorry guys for all the trouble if your reading this)
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